Monday, March 21, 2011

7 Biggest tech MNCs in India

1. GE
2. Nokia
3. Vodafone Essar
4. HP
5. Samsung
6. LG
7. IBM

(Source: Times Of India)

Doc who did Sadhick Batcha autopsy resigns

CHENNAI: Dr V Dekal, the forensic surgeon who conducted the postmortem on the body of Sadhick Batcha on Friday, has resigned from government service.

Sadhick Batcha, 39, a close aide of former telecom minister A Raja and a person the CBI considered a vital link in the 2G spectrum money trail, was found hanging at his Chennai residence last Thursday. ( Read: Sadiq Batcha was under pressure to turn approver, claims friend )

Dr Dekal, who heads the department of forensic sciences at the Madras Medical College, said he put in his papers on March 3, more than a fortnight before Batcha's suicide, to contest the Tamil Nadu assembly

"I am yet to make up my mind since the relieving order is yet to come. If it comes soon, I may contest as an independent," he said. Dr Dekal's father was a DMK member.

Dr Dekal had said that asphyxiation was the cause of Batcha's death, but did not elaborate on the details since he was awaiting results of laboratory tests on Batcha's visceral organs.

The immediate police reaction to the suicide had raised several,questions last Thursday. Though Batcha was declared 'brought dead' to Apollo Hospitals, Chennai at 1.20pm, the postmortem was not carried
out the same day.

The police said the process could not be initiated as by the time Batcha's wife came to sign the papers, it was too late. The body was taken to the Government Royapettah Hospital which does not have a forensic expert, and one had to be brought from the Madras Medical College the next day for the autopsy.

Six terrorists had slipped into Mumbai to strike during World Cup

MUMBAI: At a time when the intelligence agencies have warned the Maharashtra police about 17 tickets being bought by possible terror suspects for theWorld Cup final, the city cops are struggling to locate the six terror suspects who had reportedly sneaked into Mumbai in the last six months.

The World Cup final will be played at Wankhede stadium in Mumbai on April 2. Police sources say the plot is a joint operation between the Lashkar-e-Taiba(LeT) and the Jamaat-e-Ahle-Sunnat. Someone linked to this collaboration between the LeT and the Barelvi group has bought 17 tickets for the final, the sources said.

The search into locating the six terrorists has not yielded any result so far with the police saying they are clueless. The terrorists belong to the Bangladesh-based banned outfit, Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami ( HuJI) and Pakistan's outlawed outfit, LeT. The city crime branch on September 11 issued sketches of two terror suspects-Kalimuddin Khan alias Rameshwar Pandit and Hafeez Sharif-both bomb makers. On December 23, 2010 the then crime branch chief Himanshu Roy released four new names. While Roy said four terrorists of the LeT have sneaked into the city, he released one mugshot of a terrorist, Waleed Jinnah. "There is specific information that LeT members, identified as Abdul Karim Moosa, Noor Elahi, Jinnah and Mahfooz Alam, have entered the city to cause major destruction and violence," Roy had said.

A senior police official said, "We are working on some intelligence alerts and trying to locate the terrorists. We are working closely with other agencies and coordinating with them." In September 2010, when additional commissioner of police (crime branch) Deven Bharati sent letters to his units, he wrote that the terrorists Kalimuddin Khan alias Rameshwar Pandit and Hafeez Sharif were last seen in Lalbaug, home to one of the city's most celebrated Ganpati pandals. However, the intelligence agencies, say policemen, lost track of them two terrorists after tracking their movements for close to a week from the point of their entry into India through the Bangladeshborder.